From the desk of John Kremer, author of 1001 Ways to Market Your Books . . .
To the next national media star! That's you!
Do you want to sell more books - or other products, services, or ideas?
Do you need help planning your publicity strategy?
Do you want to know how to make your book, service, product or idea a bestseller without breaking the bank?
Well, it all starts with a good news release.
I see dozens of news releases every day. Few make the grade. Most are uninteresting, unnewsworthy, and
What does it take to sell anything with a good news release? In a 15-minute phone call, I can
give you feedback on your news release to help you make it one that sells, sells, sells.
To schedule a critique, send me your news release via email along with the best time
to call you within a few days. Each critique includes a 15-minute feedback session
via telephone as well as a rewrite by John to create a news release that gets attention and makes sales.
“I want to thank you again for your generous help with
our press release problem. The responses we've gotten for
our latest release are much better than what I'm used to. A large
percentage of that is (obviously) due to your
suggestions.” — Thomas Shelby, publicist, Hohm Press
John’s consulting clients have gotten stories in the Wall
Street Journal, New York Times, Newsweek, Playboy,
Scientific American, Chicago Tribune, Los Angeles Reader, as well as
been featured on Oprah, Today Show, Fresh Air,
All Things Considered, and many other local and national broadcast shows.
News Release Critique: $300.
Or sign up here: News Release Critique
News Release Leads
To get you started in writing your news release before the critique, here are
some great lead sentences and paragraphs:
Have you ever wanted to tell God to go to hell?
Imagine if you will a novel that combines the fashion savvy of Sex and the
City with the brassy British sense of humor in Bridget Jones's Diary.
Now, just for fun, throw in an Agatha Christie mystery, a Rough Guide travel
book, and a steamy romantic passage or two from a Barbara Cartland novel. The
result? Backpack by Emily Barr.
Would you like to live to be 100? It's your choice: Live to be 60 with a
100-year-old body or live to be 100 with the body of a 40-year-old. All you
have to do is change how you feed and care for your body.
In most people's minds, life in the military does not seem very poetic. Where
in the world of drill instructors, sharpshooters, and grunts is the stuff of
Are you tired of not being heard? Would you like to inspire your fellow
workers to greater success? Do you want to be known as the leader who gets
things done? Then learn how to tell stories. If you know how to tell stories,
you can communicate with anyone. And that is the key ingredient to success in
any business.
Have you ever wondered how the story would have ended if the three little
pigs were real? Would they have had loved ones to watch over them? What sort of
home would they have had? Would they have been saved from the big bad wolf?
How did the guy who calls himself the laziest, most unemployable man in
America start two companies that were both featured on Inc. magazine's list of
the 500 fastest-growing companies - one of them listed twice and ranked #2,
and the other growing from a one-man operation to $300 million in sales and
1100 employees?
[John's note: This question is too long. I'd probably have broken it down
into a few questions.]
The numbers don’t lie: The under 25 age group is the fastest growing
filing for bankruptcy. Teen credit card debt is at a record $500 million and
loan debt tops $60 billion. The future for America’s youth is at a crisis point.
What’s even scarier: the majority of 16-22 year-olds have never taken a class
in personal finance - all this in the wealthiest, most educated country in the
Picture this: Magnolias blossoming in the backyard, a gentle breeze coming
through the open windows of the dining room, fine china on cool white linen —
and a menu of Amaretto Punch, Scallop Martinis in Wasabi Cream Sauce, Red
Pepper Bisque, Walnut and Garlic Linguine, Sweet Potato Muffins, and Chocolate
Amaretto Truffles.
Or how about this? Sitting around the kitchen table, pots and pans still
steaming, just the family — and the down-home goodness of Uncle Bud’s Seafood
Gumbo, Gizrum and Turnip Greens, Chili-Cheese Rolls, and Peanut Caramel Cake
for dessert.
Or a summer picnic on the banks of a slow-moving river, red-and-white
checked blanket, the best of friends — and everything Southern: Southern Fried
Chicken, Montgomery Black Bean Caviar, Corn Fritters, Roasted Sweet Potato
Wedges, and Green Tomato Pie.
How are your news releases? Do they ask good questions? Do they tell great
stories? Do they draw editors and readers into your pitch?
Or sign up here: News Release Critique
John's Background
John Kremer is an acknowledged book promotion expert who can
answer all your questions on book publishing and marketing. Besides being the owner of his own publishing
company (Open Horizons in Taos, New Mexico), he was the editor of the Book
Marketing Update newsletter for more than twenty years.
As a marketing guru, John is also the author of a number of books on publishing and marketing, including 1001 Ways
to Market Your Books: For Authors and Publishers (6th Edition), The Complete Direct
Marketing Sourcebook, High Impact Marketing on a Low Impact
Budget, The Do-It-Yourself Book Publicity Kit, and Celebrate Today.
marketing expert John Kremer has spoken at book publishing, marketing, and publicity seminars in New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Diego, Chicago,
Orlando, Miami, Denver, Boulder, Tucson, Portland, Seattle, San Antonio, Houston, Austin, Toronto, Kansas City,
Milwaukee, Madison, Minneapolis, New Orleans, Phoenix, Saint Louis, Atlanta, Indianapolis, Nashville,
West Palm Beach, Saint Petersburg, Alexandria, Cincinnati, Buffalo, Sacramento, Ann Arbor, Grand Rapids,
Des Moines, Cleveland, Calgary, London, Las Vegas, Washington DC, and many other cities.
His speeches have ranged from half-hour talks on book marketing to two-hour sessions on
getting national publicity to three-day seminars on how to open new markets for your books.
What People Are Saying . . .
“For the past few years I've been asking John Kremer's
advice on handling the complexities of the book publishing business.
Here are two examples where his advice and experience has proven
invaluable. When sales of the hardback edition of one of my
books stalled (even after receiving wonderful reviews), John suggested
that I work with the publisher to repackage and revise
the material in the form of a paperback. He explained exactly how I
should pitch the idea and exactly what to say to the publisher.
His strategy resulted not only in a second chance for the book but an
additional advance! The revised edition quickly ate
through both advances and I eventually received several royalty checks
before the paperback finally went out of print.
Then, more recently, when I found myself without an agent, I called John
to ask him the best way to get an agent. He told me
to call everyone who I knew who might know a good agent, especially
people whom I had interviewed (for articles and such) who
had bestselling books. I did as he suggested, separating my possible
sources into "A", "B", and "C" depending on the likelihood that they'd have a good contact. By the time
I had called everyone on the "A" list, the name of one agent had come up twice. I sent him an email describing
myself and my work (with which he was familiar) and now
I'm being represented by one of the top agents in the country. Thanks
John!!!” — Geoff James, author of Success Secrets from
Silicon Valley and The Tao of Programming
“John Kremer gave the most consistent excellent, practical advice. It was my first time to see or
hear him. I thought he distinguished himself as someone who might be worth paying to consult
with. You know that's high praise out of my thrifty mouth!” — Lisa Reid, Ferguson-Carol Publishers
“After studying all the self-publishing books and
putting together a business plan and marketing plan, I still had questions
which could only be addressed by the voice of experience, such as how to
time the whole process. The e-mail lists have been a
terrific help in this respect. Nevertheless, sometimes there is nothing
like talking one-on-one with an experienced individual.
In addition, John offered several ideas for marketing which were
specific to my type of book. I'm certain these will more than
pay for the consultation. ... For a new publisher like myself it was
just what I needed to put all the pieces together. As for
the more experienced publisher, I'll bet he could give you a few ideas
to spark your promotional efforts.” — Brian Scott, Systematic Publications and Media
“I love your book (1001 Ways) by the way (with
the innovative marketing ideas). I am trying to get my money
saved because many have said a consultation with you is worth every
penny and more.” — Debra Cohen, author,
Gems of Wisdom: Quotes to Ponder
“So thanks again. I guess I might as well say that I
think that you're an amazing guy. You have an uncanny ability to find
out the needs of countless number of authors you have advised and
counseled so that individually we feel you've tuned into us.
Yet your ideas have a universal appeal. One of my areas of interest is
in creativity. You certainly have a most unusual creative spirit.
You come up with ideas so spontaneously and offer them so easily and
warmly it's like you've been thinking of the subject forever.
And as I mentioned to you, I know how much you enjoy giving to others.
Your laughter and good humor punctuate what you give.” — Marv
“John Kremer — He's smart, creative and clever, and he knows how to help you sell books.” — Jon
Bard, Editor, Children's Writing Update!
Or sign up here: News Release Critique
News Release Rewrites
Here are a few links to some news release rewrites . . .
Original press release for a novel:
(too much emphasis on the book rather than the story)
Revised press release for a novel:
(more emphasis on the story, the terror, the possibilities of what will
happen next)
Original press release for World Alzheimer's Day tie-in for a memoir:
(too many points were covered in this news release)
Revised press release for World Alzheimer's Day tie-in for a memoir:
(this news release focuses on the theme of the day: Faces of Dementia to
encourage media to interview the author of a memoir)
Original press release for Big Wave Surfing:
(again, to much emphasis on the book, not enough focus on one news angle)
Revised press release for Big Wave Surfing:
(more emphasis on the issue; some short, more dramatic quotes)
Revised press release for Big Wave Surfing focused on the Middle East turmoil:
(a rewrite done by the client with coaching by me - which focused on the
impact of big wave surfers on the Egypt overthrow and other Middle East political turmoil. Very good news focus.)
Original press release for a career book (written by the publisher):
(book focused and a lot of junky stuff about the publisher at the end of the
press release that really drew the focus away from the book itself and to the
publisher - not good for the author or the book)
Revised press release for a career book:
(When I interviewed the author, he told me a story about a man who found a
job, one week at a time. Now that was news in this economy: the week-at-a-time
job. I'd never heard anyone talk about the phenomenon in exactly that way, so we
rewrote the news release to focus on this new phenomenon)
Use the above news releases and revisions as examples to help you rewrite
your news releases for greater impact. If you still have trouble coming up with
a good story line, then email me. I can help make your news release one that
gets attention AND helps you sell more books - or products, services, ideas, and

John Kremer